Android animation set 에 속성들이 안 먹히네요.
안드로이드 애니메이션 작업하다 계속 안되길래 찾아보니.. 쩝. 참고하세요~
In summary (this concerns AnimationSet
setRepeatCount() / android:repeatCount
This attribute (as well as repeatMode) does not work in code or XML. This makes repeating an entire set of animations difficult.
setDuration() / android:duration
Setting this on an AnimationSet in code WORKS (overrides all durations of children animations), but not when included in the tag in XML
setFillAfter() / android:fillAfter
This works in both code and XML for the tag. Strangely I have gotten it to also work without the need to set fillEnabled to true.
setFillBefore() / android:fillBefore
Seems to have no effect/ignored in both code and XML
setFillEnabled() / android:fillEnabled
Seems to have no effect/ignored in both code and XML. I can still get fillAfter to work even without including fillEnabled or setting fillEnabled to false.
setStartOffset() / android:startOffset
This works only in code and not XML.